
Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 01:42

How are we supposed to understand homosexuality when we don’t even have a full grasp on heterosexuality?

There’s a lot people who walk around with this fear and suspicion of homosexuality, as it’s some new thing that just creeped around the corner and needs more time to be analyzed before it can be accepted. I think these people need to put down there “God hates fags” signs and pick up a copy of Dr. Christopher Ryan’s bestselling book “Sex at dawn”.

Monday, March 3, 2014 - 21:58

I often watch the mystery of nature with the sole purpose of trying to figure out what exactly drives it. Staring at a flock of birds for example never ceases to amaze me. How is it that hundreds of individual birds can fly in unison without an obvious leader? And I’m even more blown away when those flocks form complex formations that resemble clouds of rhythmic patterns.

Is it possible that everything we see in nature is driven by forces that can be seen and measured and others that simply cannot be seen?

Commercial Drive Parklet
Thursday, December 5, 2013 - 12:15

Help us transform two parking spots along Commercial Drive into a new public space for all to enjoy.

The Commercial Drive Parklet is one of a few projects selected as part of VIVA Vancouver’s 2013 Parklet Pilot Program. Unlike other projects led by large architecture and landscape architecture firms, this is the only one undertaken by active residents of the project neighbourhood.

This is the video I did for this project, check it out and be sure to check out the kickstarter page for this project

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 22:11

With an open mind and heart one might ask, how will I be able to navigate this strange and complicated world with an idea of it? How do I build a sane and functional model of it all? And what new system of thought do I have to subscribe to.

These are all tempting premises. But stop yourself here and throw them away. Run away from any model or explanation, because those are the things that got you in trouble the first place.

Friday, September 27, 2013 - 23:08

One of the hallmarks of people watching and observing is that you begin to notice patterns. And one pattern that stands out among the rest is that we all seem to be running vastly different versions of reality.

A brief introduction to my journey and what led me to this point in my life. And how I abandoned society's game and decided to live a life that is authentic to me.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 16:09

A brief introduction to my journey and what led me to this point in my life. And how I abandoned society's game and decided to live a life that is authentic to me.

Monday, August 6, 2012 - 20:21

Well hello there...

Welcome to nucleardonkey, a creative space for my "work" and creations. My name is Bola Omodara and I will be your host for this evening.

You'll have to watch your step as this site is a work in progress and I'm still figuring out how everything will be set up. But I'll start to figure out all that stuff as soon as I get content up here..So enjoy your stay and thank you for visiting.
